Celebrate with us the birthday of the eternal city

One thousand years before Gladiator

The legend of the founding of the Rome has the attribution to twin brothers, Romulus (c. 771 BC–c. 717 BC) and Remus (c. 771 BC–c. 753 BC). In Roman mythology, they are sons of the priestess Rhea Silvia and Mars, the god of war, abandoned at birth at Tiber by servants in charge of executing them. The twins were taken by a wolf. Later a shepherd named Fausetulus came and took Remus and Romulus. Faustulus and his wife (Acca Larentia) raised the children. When Remus and Romulus became adults they decided to establish a new town. The young princes chose not to settle at the court of their grandfather, but decided to found a new town; they differed however on the site of the new town: Romulus chose the Palatino, Remus the nearby Aventino: they sought the advice of their grandfather, who recommended them to ascertain the will of the gods by consulting the flight of birds. Remus took position on the Aventino hill Romulus on the Palatino hill. Remus soon saw six birds (either vultures or crows) and claimed to be the chosen one, but Romulus a moment later saw twelve birds and he too claimed to be the chosen one. They soon engaged into a heated dispute and Remus in contempt leaped over the furrow traced by Romulus to mark the location of the future walls of his town. In a fit of rage Romulus killed his brother.

In this way Romulus became the first king of Rome, the day was April 21st, 753 BC.

Ancient romans used to count years from the founding of the city of Rome. The date most widely used today is that calculated by Varro, 753 BC, but other systems varied by up to several decades. Dates given by this method are numbered ab urbe condita (meaning after the founding of the city, and abbreviated AUC).


Every year Rome celebrates its birthday with historical parades, cultural events, concerts and much more. Join the romans and live a day in the past.

Here follows our personal selection of events:

Sunday 19th April

  • Form 10.00 a.m. to 13.00 p.m.

"The great Parade": a big numbers of reenactment groups (about one thousand of reenactors) coming from Italy and Europe will march-past along Via dei Fori Imperiali.
Made by Gruppo Storico Romano

  • From 21.00 PM

Light show of Roman Froum. Romagnificat. From Forum…to light
Wonderfull light show of Imperial Forum followed by RoMagnificat show, that form 21.30 PM to 23.00 PM in the Traian’s Market and Forum, wonderful light show with light, projections, music, actors dedicated to the cinema history. A Mismaonda, Bologna – Roma production

Tuesday 21th April

  • 3.45 PM

Through the Roman Forum
- Inauguration of the walk-passage between Imperial Forum and Roman Forum
- Basilica Emilia – Opening of the yard

  • 5.30 PM

The commemoration of the Foundation of Rome with the performance "The Trench Digging" (Il Tracciato del solco) at Circo Massimo (Free entrance).

  • 7.30 PM

Barock music concert
On the Tebro river. Madrigali, arie and cantate dedicated to the “blond” Tiber
Roma Barocca ensemble. Director Lorenzo Tozzi
Introducted by Prof. Arch. Paolo Portoghesi. Made by Chromasom in with the collaboration of the Associazione Culturale Tesori Musicali
Art Director: Claudio Pelati
Ponte Sant’Angelo

For further informations take a look at the official website

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