Sergio Mattarella, Italian President of the Republic

Welcome back Mr. President!

In the last few days, in Italy, we have all lived glued to screens and news websites, passionate about the election of the President of the Republic.

This election is held every 7 years and is exciting because all the Italian parliamentarians and the representatives of the regions must find an agreement or an impartial name, to elect a president who represents all Italians.

While in the past the President of the Italian Republic had a more representative role (even if his powers include important tasks: he appoints the Prime Minister and he is the head of the armed forces), in the last 20 years he has represented more and more an element of equilibrium, he searched for solutions of governmental stability and he's been a figure of national unification.

President Mattarella, who was re-elected on Saturday with a very large majority, represented all this in the past 7 years. For this reason, in addition to the favor of politicians, all the Italian people have welcomed this news with great joy.

Starting with the youngest of his fans (read the story of Emilia Saccomando) up to the highest offices of the European Union and governments around the world.

We join in the joy and wish Sergio Matterella good luck!

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