Do you want to be ready for the CILS exam? Sign up for our preparation course!

The next CILS exam session is near and to help you pass it we organize a specific preparation course! If you are registered for the exam on December 2nd, attend our preparation course which will start on October 25th.

The CILS Certification of the University of Foreigners of Siena is one of the most requested Italian language certifications to certify the degree of linguistic and communicative competence in the study of Italian as a foreign language.

The CILS certificates are divided into 6 different levels of competence (in addition to the CILS B1 citizenship certification). Level A2 is necessary to obtain a residence permit, level B1 citizenship is requested to obtain Italian citizenship, level B1 is necessary for the admission of foreign students to Italian high schools and level B2 for the admission of foreigns students at the University in Italy. The other levels are useful in the field of work and study,

To pass the CILS exam it is important to have a good preparation in the competence profiles of the different levels.

For this reason, we offer a specific preparation course (in groups or individuals) for the CILS exam. Those courses are held during the weeks immediately prior to the exam dates established by the Università per Stranieri di Siena and aim to provide thorough preparation with regard to the different skills required.

The preparation analyzes and tests the evidence of previous examinations, while also carrying out specific problems that the teacher may identify.

The CILS levels

CILS A1: is designed for those who are just starting out in the study of the language. The duration of the CILS A1 exam is two hours.

CILS A2: is necessary for those who wish to obtain a residence permit. The duration of the CILS A2 exam is two hours.

CILS B1: evaluates the basic level of competence of users, necessary for the autonomous use of the language in everyday contexts. This certification is required of foreign students for admission to the Italian high school system. The duration of the CILS B1 exam is three hours.

CILS B1 CITIZENSHIP: corresponds to level B1 of the European framework, but has some slight differences compared to “Level One”.
From 2018 it is necessary to obtain this certificate to apply for Italian citizenship. The duration of the CILS B1 citizenship exam is three hours.

CILS B2: it is an intermediate level, in which students are able to demonstrate the ability to use the fundamental bases of the language, in a wide variety of contexts and situations. This certification is necessary for the admission of foreign students to the University in Italy. The duration of the CILS B2 exam is four hours.

CILS C1: demonstrates a high level of competence in the use of the Italian language, for a student able to use Italian effectively in a much wider range of contexts. This level is very useful in the workplace. The duration of the CILS C1 exam is five hours.

CILS C2: is the most advanced level. This certifies the use of the language comparable to that of a native speaker. This certificate represents an excellent added value to an academic curriculum and can be spent in the workplace. The duration of the CILS C1 exam is five and a half hours

CONTENT the exams at all levels consist of a listening test, a reading test, an analysis of communication structures, a written test and an oral test.
WHEN February 17th / April 2nd / May 31st / July 21st / October 20th / December 15th
WHERE at the Leonardo da Vinci School in Florence, Milan, Rome and Turin
PRICE 130 euros

Remember: contact the office of the school where you want to take the exam at least one month before the exam date.

Do you want to know more about our CILS preparation courses? Click here


Read more about Italian certifications at Scuola Leonardo da Vinci: CILS and AIL: the importance of certifying the Italian language

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