podcast lingua italiana sul gelato

Il Gelato - Episodio 12 (stagione 3)

In this episode of our podcast Italiano ON-Air we will talk about Italian ice cream. Discover the Florentine history of ice cream, what the Buontalenti flavor is, and how to choose a good ice cream in Italy, especially homemade ice cream!

Follow our podcast on the Italian language "Italiano ON-Air"  by Scuola Leonardo da Vincihttps://podcast.scuolaleonardo.com (where you can find the transcript of the episode) or on the leading podcast platforms:
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Italiano ON-Air is the podcast of the Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, a school of Italian for foreigners located in Florence, Milan, Rome, Turin, and Viareggio! Every week you can listen to a new dialogue, with new insights, and learn expressions, vocabulary, and idioms.

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Scuola Leonardo

Italian Language Schools and Courses in Italy.
Learn Italian in Italy in Florence, Milan, Rome, Turin and Viareggio
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